Why? That is my prediction. Your thinking why should I buy your nutrients. For many reasons, but I’m going to refrain from rattling off a huge list. Basically, it is made from the highest quality ingredients by Haifa Group, sourced right here in the USA.
They are known for low chloride content, high purity, and high efficiency. Their soluble minerals are arguably the best on the market… too many details. Alright, let’s try that again.
They will rock your face off. Complete A and B will revolutionize your growing experience. Your plants will no longer feel like cheap hookers being fed cheap chemicals. They will be like,
Too much? Yeah, I might have gotten a little out of hand. Let’s reel it back down to earth.
You get amazing quality for an affordable price. How affordable? I’m glad you asked. It’s not like you don’t see the price above, but let’s put that into perspective. Check this out. To get started growing with a subpar quality nutrient like General Hydroponics’ three-part series, you will need $34. To get started with their FloraNova, you will need $29 for bloom and grow, so $58 total, for 32oz bottles.
Or for only $29, you can grow with Complete A and B, 32oz bottles of each, so a total of 64oz. And, I should have started with this, Complete A and B are balanced to grow from the beginning of seedlings, throughout veg, to flower and finish. You will no longer need both grow and bloom.
Complete is specially made to fit all the demands for “Tomatoes” from beginning to ending, all made possible because lots of math, thinking, testing, more math, 16-hour workdays, more math. You get the idea. Lots of work. If your nutrients have the proper amount of mineral nutrients and micronutrients, then the plant will grow fast and big.
But also, they need to be highly soluble minerals so the plant can easily take them up. If the minerals are chelated then this makes it so the plant can uptake nutrients even when the PH of the medium gets out of wack.
Your plants will be all like,
Because Complete A and B have chelates in them, they also prevent salt build-up, which is great for any substrate you grow in, and great in hydroponics so your pumps and lines do not get clogged as quickly or easily.
Also, you only need to use 8mL to 12mL per gallon, so you will be able to make 95-100 gallons of high-quality, nutrient water to feed your plants.
How about that info dumb, though?
There’s more. Each bottle is hand-crafted as if we were little worker elves, created for one purpose, to create Perfect Nutrients and put our love into every bottle.
Too cheesy? Yeah, big cheese. Totally silly. Bonkers even and corny. Big-time corny. Whatever, I’m keeping it.
Buy some Complete A and B... or not. But if you do, we’ll be right here, ready to make your bottles especially for you.